Publix Trip 7/2/10

Friday, July 2, 2010

Okay, so I have clipped my coupons, made a list, checked it twice, and now the hard part. Getting a four year old ready to go, possibly easier with the enticement of a cookie from the bakery department at Publix? Yes, he already knows about the free cookie and asks for one at end of trip!

Here is what I was able to purchase, and I met my 25 cent challenge!

Publix Shopping Trip 7.02.10  

4 Capri Sun 10 ct boxes
3 Gold Fish Crackers
1 Breakstone 16 oz Sour Cream
1 Frenchs Mustard
1 Chinet Napkins 90 count
1 Mission Tortilla 8 count (not on sale but I needed some)

Total cost...... $2.78
(waahoo cutting it close, but 11 items for $0.25 each is not bad, but not my best)

Retail cost would have been $22.57, so I saved 88% 
by buying items on sale, and using coupons.  

Want to know how I did this? Click here to see.